Everything you need to know about fractional mesotherapy

Fractional mesotherapy is a specialised cosmetic treatment that aims to significantly stimulate the regeneration of collagen fibres, as well as elastin. As such, it is by far one of the most effective methods of improving the appearance, tone and overall condition of the skin. Thanks to this treatment, it is possible to permanently smooth
wrinkles, or the complete removal of various types of scars. It is worth emphasising at this point, however, that in order to carry it out, it is necessary to have completed the specialised courses for cosmetologists.

Effects of fractional mesotherapy

The effects of fractional mesotherapy treatment are already noticeable after the first treatment. At this stage, the elasticity or tension of the skin is improved. Only 2 to 4 treatments at an interval of 4, maximum 6 weeks are needed to smooth out wrinkles or permanently remove various types of imperfections. As you can see, at
The results do not have to wait too long and are usually extremely satisfying.

Complete procedure

The procedure itself is not very complicated. Initially, the areas to be treated with the micro-needle mesotherapy device must be thoroughly disinfected and anaesthetised. Only after these two conditions have been met can the treatment proceed.

In the course of it, a specialist guides a special device through the
surface of the patient's skin, pricking it evenly so that the entire treated area is effortlessly covered. During this time, the fully sterile tiny needles prick into the skin quite efficiently, thus stimulating it to begin full and, most importantly, permanent regeneration. The entire treatment takes just 15 to 20 minutes.

Side effects of fractional mesotherapy

Unfortunately, performing this type of treatment is associated with adverse effects. Fortunately, these are not very long-lasting and usually pass after several hours. These mainly include minor swelling, redness or induration.

Performing fractional mesotherapy treatment requires specialised certification, which you can obtain through our courses. We encourage you to take a look at our offer.