Permanent make-up line 1 day

For whom is the training intended?

The permanent make-up training course is designed for beauticians, cosmetologists and anyone looking to develop their skills in the beauty industry. It is ideal for both professionals looking to expand their range of services, as well as for enthusiasts who dream of embarking on a permanent make-up adventure.


PLN 2 400


1 day

Group size:

Maximum 3
* Additional costs: Individual training +1000 PLN; Training in Russian or English +1500 PLN.

Training programme

  • Theoretical part of the training
  • Practical part of the training
  • We provide
Theoretical part of the training
  • Introduction to eyelid pigmentation
  • History and development of permanent eyelid line make-up.
  • Discussion of the different types of eyeliner: classic, decorative (ombre, eyeliner) and thickening of the lash line
  • Anatomy and physiology of the eyelids
  • Skin structure of the eyelids and how they differ from other areas of the face.
  • Skin types and their impact on permanent eyelid make-up treatment.
  • Safety associated with pigmentation in the eye area.
  • Health and safety at work
  • Health and safety rules and sanitary and epidemiological procedures in force in the practice.
  • Techniques for sterilisation and disinfection of instruments and personal protective equipment for the client and linergist.
  • Treatment contraindications and precautions.
  • Equipment and materials for eyelid pigmentation
  • Overview of tools and materials used in eyelid pigmentation: razors, needles, dedicated pigments for eyeliner.
  • Selection of appropriate tools and their maintenance.
  • Colouring and selection of pigments for eyeliner
  • Colour theory and the principles of selecting pigments for dashes.
  • Selection of pigment colours based on the client's beauty type and end result.
  • Dash shape design and symmetry
  • Principles of determining the line of the eyeliner depending on the shape of the eye and the desired effect.
  • Techniques for making the initial drawing and matching it to the client's individual facial features.
Practical part of the training
  • Artificial skin exercises
  • Training in precision movements and pigment application on artificial skin.
  • Practising different types of eyeliner: classic, decorative, lash line thickening effect.
  • Controlling the depth and even distribution of pigment on the thin and delicate skin of the eyelids.
  • Preparation of the client for treatment
  • Consultation with the client and interview regarding contraindications.
  • Designing the eyelid line shape and discussing the intended effect with the client.
  • Disinfection of the eye area and preparation of the skin for pigmentation.
  • Working on models under the supervision of an instructor
  • Initial drawing on the model according to the chosen technique (classic line, decorative line, lash thickening).
  • Learning the precision and control of pigmentation depth on the eyelids.
  • Practical application of the chosen pigmentation technique and adaptation of details to the natural shape of the eye.
  • Aftercare
  • Instructions for the client on eyelid care after the procedure.
  • Overview of possible skin reactions and how to mitigate them.
  • Information on recommendations for follow-up visits and possible adjustments.
  • Evaluation and discussion of results
  • Analysis of the treatments performed and discussion of the final results.
  • Individual assessment of the student's progress and guidance on further improvement of technique.
We provide
  • Training materials,
  • Post-training instructor support.
  • Training completion certificate

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Need more information. Get in touch with us.


Beauty Zoom Academy

80/82 Grzybowska St.

00-844 Warsaw

Training department: