Innovative treatment in your practice - tissue stimulators

In the cosmetology industry, it is very important to constantly expand your skills to offer new and better services to your clients. To help meet this challenge, we have created a programme of training courses for cosmetologists, in which we present the latest techniques used in aesthetic medicine.

A new and effective method of skin rejuvenation

Tissue stimulators is a new group of preparations used in medicine aesthetic. Like wrinkle fillers, they are administered using a needle. However, their action is based on something completely different. Biostimulators induce a controlled inflammation, which increases the production of elastin and collagen, the natural amount of which decreases after the age of 25. This produces a natural rejuvenating effect on the skin, which has been continuously reinforced over months of collagen and elastin production. The effect of such treatment lasts for up to 20 years, however, in order to biostimulators work properly takes much more time than with wrinkle fillers.

Growing popularity of tissue stimulators

Biostimulators are becoming more and more popular every year. In Poland, it is still difficult to find doctors and cosmetologists undertaking such treatments. However, it is only a matter of time before this revolutionary technique becomes permanent in Poland. However, it is not worth waiting! The sooner you introduce this innovative procedure into your practice, the less chance you have of missing out on the coming boom in cosmetic treatments. tissue stimulators!

Comprehensive training on tissue stimulators in Warsaw

The Beauty Zoom Academy offers certified training on tissue stimulators. Lasting 8 hours, the training takes place in a group of three and is divided into 2 segments. The first covers theoretical issues such as treatment procedures, pre- and post-treatment recommendations, analysis of post-treatment effects, information on the action of biostimulants and how to deal with complications. Each participant will then independently perform the procedure on models. Upon completion of the course, participants receive a certificate in Polish, a training script and care further support of the trainer. Sign up for training today!